
Stamata pia!

H prwth mera pou pathsa to podi mou sto ekdotiko oiko, htan ayth tou Interview.
Afou me rwtagan 3 wres anatrixiastikes leptomereies gia to resume mou kai th mexri twra zwh mou, gnwrisa kai thn CEO..Mia grizomalla dynamikh Kanadh pou mou ekane thn kalyterh pithanh entypwsh..
Filikh, aneth, prosith, etoimologh..mia xara h metaksy mas epikoinwnia..Me ta PhD ths, ki ayth ksenh sth xwra , taytisthka h afelhs me thn katastash ths parolo thn diafora ergasiakhs theshs..

Ayth h eikona, meta apo 6 mhnes, einai mono anamnhsh..
Ayto to proswpo den prepei na to exw ksanadei..

Eixa, telika, thn foverh atyxia na kathomai dipla ths kai na einai kathhmerina o pio kontinos mou anthrwpos-apostasiaka mono!

6 mhnes twra thn akouw na psithyrizei ola ayta pou adynatei na pei..Thn akouw na sxoliazei sthn apousia synadelfwn kai na metamorfwnetai se 'kollhth' sthn parousia tous..
6 mhnes twra thn exw dei ekatommyria fores na skyvei kai dinei roufhxta, ygra, filakia ston kwlo tou Proedrou, na agapaei periodiaka anthrwpous..analoga me to poso kerdos ths fernei o ypallhlos ton ekastote mhna..

Th sixathhka thn ypokrisia ths!Varethhka na lew kathe prwi Kalhmera kai na mh me koitaei kan!Den ths fernw lefta, eimai h Ellhnida pou asxoleitai me ta arthra...Den vlepei lires sta matia mou ara giati na mou milhsei..

Aythentikos skatanthrwpos, h mataiodoksia trexei apo ta antrika patzakia ths..
Thelw na thn agaliasw mpas kai malakwsei, alla mallon tha mou valei triklopodia prin th ftasw!

Tha eyxhthw na thn agaliasei kapoios apopse, na ksypnhsei kai na agapaei..

"Hypocrisy in anything whatever may decieve the cleverest and most penetrating man, but the least wide-awake of children recognizes it, and is revolted by it, however it may be disguised"

kai kati akoma...

After a two year long study, The National Science Foundation announced the following results on Corporate America's recreation preferences:
1. The sport of choice for unemployed people is: BASKETBALL
2. The sport of choice for maintenance level employees is: BOWLING
3. The sport of choice for front line workers is: FOOTBALL
4. The sport of choice for supervisors is: BASEBALL
5. The sport of choice for middle management is: TENNIS
6. The sport of choice for corporate officers is: GOLF
CONCLUSION: The higher you are in the corporate structure, the smaller your balls become.

Giayto mallon psithyrizei!!!

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